Your System role has been inactivated. Please contact OPM Administrator to activate your system role.

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The user has an existing invitation.

An email has been sent to user '{{addSystemUserResponse.addSystemUserBean.userName}}' with an invitation to access the Zone.

User does not have a system role. Created a new system role '{{addSystemUserResponse.addSystemUserBean.role}}' and an email has been sent to user '{{addSystemUserResponse.addSystemUserBean.userName}}'.

User has already exist in system role with inactive status. Activated the user with new role '{{addSystemUserResponse.addSystemUserBean.role}}' and an email has been sent to user '{{addSystemUserResponse.addSystemUserBean.userName}}'.

The given email ID exist in our system and account has been disabled.

The given email ID exist in our system and account has been suspended.

The given email ID exist in our system and account has been blocked.