Enter your organization's CFC code or EIN.
The following charities matched your search.
If multiple results show for EIN, select the parent or a single chapter to begin an application.
CFC # | EIN | Name | Address | Choose |
{{charity.cfcCode}} | {{charity.charityEin}} | {{charity.charityName}} | {{charity.officeAddress1}},{{charity.officeCity}}, {{charity.officeState}},{{charity.officeZip | zipcode}} |
Please double check what you searched for is correct. If you entered an incorrect search term, please search again. If you can not find by CFC code or charity name, please search by the 9 digit EIN number.
If this organization is new and not yet registered with the CFC, you can add this charity by entering the charities information and continue with the application. You will be required to submit your IRS Determination Letter during the application process.