Step 9: Administrative and Fundraising Rate (AFR)
Based on the organization’s total revenue (Part VIII, Line 12, Column A) reported in the IRS Form 990 or pro forma IRS Form 990, verify that the correct certification was selected on Step 7 and if the appropriate financial statements were submitted. If not, the application should be a "Fail".
Fill in the required fields with information from the IRS Form 990 or pro forma IRS Form 990 and confirm the AFR.
The $ amount in Part IX (page 10: Statement of Functional Expenses), Line 25, Column C (Management and General Expenses)
The $ amount in Line 25, Column D (Fundraising Expenses)
Part VIII (Page 9: Statement of Revenue), Line 12, Column A (Total Revenue)
Your AFR is: {{applicationStep9.fundraisingRate}}%
AFR = total expenses divided by total revenue X 100